Halesowen Grammar School:- July 1959
The photograph below, submitted by Richard Sylvester , a class photo from 1959.
The group of 13/14 year olds includes Richards late partner Marilynne Weston who
is standing in the middle row , fourth from the left. Can anyone identify any of the other children?
John Tildesley formerly of Halesowen Grammar School writes:
help with names of children, but teacher is Miss Eira ( ? ) Morgan.
Dianne Smith of Hasbury identifies the girl second from the right on the front row , as her cousin Rita Ashurst.
David N Neale, a pupil at HGS from 1956-64 , writes 'This is a third form photograph and I was a year older, fourth form, when this photo was taken. I can identify two of the boys on the back row. The fifth from the left is Roger Brain. The fourth from the right is John Parks. The Form Mistress was Eira Morgan. She taught biology.